  • Push Button Adjust Foot Lock Strap For WaterRower Machines

The Symbol : CZW-WR-P715
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Push button adjust foot lock strap for water rowing machines

A strap used to attach the legs to the footrest. Fits all S4 wooden rowing machines.


The strap can also fit the S1 and M1 rowing machines, which were produced with two types of mechanisms depending on the year of manufacture.



The WaterRower water rowers have self-regulating water resistance. The user who performs exercises on the device does not need to know about setting it because the resistance automatically adjusts to the strength with which the practitioner rows. It means that the stronger you row, the greater the resistance. In the case of devices such as water rowers, resistance is generated due to the movements of the paddle in the water tank.

Exercising with WaterRower there is no risk of "overworking". The device can be used literally by anyone regardless of age, gender or condition. WaterRower rowers work incredibly quietly, and the user can indulge in the relaxation of the sound of water noise while performing each stroke, just as if he really rowed in a boat in a natural environment.

"Rowing, indoors or outdoors, at any exercise level of intensity, requires a greater exercise expenditure thanany other aerobic activity. Calories are burned in relation to the number of muscles used and the intensity and duration of the exercise. Rowing with a sliding seat uses a very large muscle mass since the upper, lower andtrunk muscles are used vigorously."- Dr. C Everett Koop- Former US Surgeon General

The main advantage of WaterRower rowers is a high-quality manual finish, characterized by a very long life and great feeling during rowing. WaterRowers can be used in any environment, during the exercise you can hear only the natural noise of water, so they do not disturb other users in the same room.

Each stroke in the device is extremely smooth and it distributes the work to individual muscle groups. WaterRower rowers do not require complicated assembly, they do not take up a lot of space and after finishing the workout, just place them vertically. The design of the equipment has been chosen in such a way that it resembles a piece of furniture more than a training device, which is why in most cases it will look very nice and aesthetically in apartments.


Another very important thing is that WaterRowery does not require any literally any maintenance except replacing the water in the tank from time to time. The end of dirty and greased hands as in the case of other devices that need to be systematically lubricated with various types of grease.

WaterRower simulators are shorter than other similar training devices. The water system of automatic resistance is the closest to the actual rowing movement occurring in nature. Rowing on the device with just the strength of your muscles, you increase or decrease the load, which is very convenient and universal, and thus in a very easy and convenient way you can adjust the resistance to your abilities and expectations very precisely.

The WaterRower rowers were made of the best quality materials available on the market. Models: Home, Club, Oak, Maple, Blank, Classic, Club, Natural, Oxbridge, Xeno Muller, and Studio were made of high-quality wood. Models: M1 LoRise and M1 HiRise in aluminum while models: S1 LoRise and S1 HiRise from high quality stainless steel. Looking from the side, you can see that the manufacturer did not save on materials by producing their WaterRowers, thanks to which the machines are resistant to friction and mechanical damage.

We guarantee that the devices will serve without problems for many, many years and even over time will not be too different in technical condition from these new catalogs because they have been really solidly made.


What else can we say about our devices?

Certainly the fact that rowing training is one of the most popular home-grown training, engages as much as 84% ​​of the entire body, which has a positive effect on your condition and improves your fitness and, most importantly, you can achieve spectacular results in a very short time.

The majority of WaterRowers in our offer have modern S4 V2 training computers, in addition to the Home and Studio models, because these have been equipped with A1 training computer. Computers allow you to monitor on a regular basis in order to check your achievements in a simple and transparent way and to beat your own records. You can also modify the training in such a way that it is more efficient than the previous one.

We also remind you that there are many additional accessories available for our WaterRowers, such as tablet and smartphone holders, pulse monitoring kits, cleaning kits, water dyes and equipment mats.

For monitors in version S4 V2, a pulse measurement module can be added without any major problems, which enables more accurate readings! If you decide to make a set together with a telemetry belt, then you already have all the necessary set, and if you have a computer with only a receiver, you still need to buy a telemetry belt. There are also available bluetooth modules, thanks to which there is the possibility of pairing the device with a smartphone, computer or tablet, and what goes with it can be practiced even more conveniently with additional training applications.


#WaterRowingMachine, #RowingMachine, #WaterRower, #RowingMachineWaterRower, #WaterRowerTrainer, #ErgometerWaterRower, #WaterRowerParts, #FootLockStrap

Nie pasuje do modeli HOME, Pasuje do wiośllarzy z systemem Push Button Adjust, Waterrower aluminum rowing machines, Wioślarze wodne WaterRower stalowe, Wooden water rowing machines WaterRower

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Home Warranty: 2 years

The home warranty covers devices intended for home use.

Light Commercial Warranty: 2 years

The Light Commercial warranty covers devices working in fitness clubs for women, small hotels, rehabilitation rooms, outpatient clinics, etc.

The maximum working time is 4 hours a day.

Full Commercial Warranty: 2 years

The Full Commercial warranty covers devices working in gyms, schools, etc. If it is properly maintained.

The maximum working time is 12 hours a day.

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jest realizowana w dwóch wariantach:

  • Firmą kurierską FEDEX.
  • Inną firmą kurierską np. DHL, GLS, K-EX, RABEN dla przesyłek, których nadanie w danej chwili jest niemożliwe przez firmę FEDEX lub zmianę wymusza np. waga czy gabaryty przesyłki.


zakupionych towarów są przyjmowane tylko pod warunkiem, że nie były używane, posiadają oryginalne opakowanie, są dostarczone w komplecie (wraz z dołączonym osprzętem):

  • Do produktów zwracanych musi być dołączony formularz zwrotu towaru.
  • Pieniądze za zwrócony towar zostaną wysłane na podane konto w ciągu 7 dni roboczych.

Koszty zwrotów ponosi kupujący.

Więcej informacji znajduje się na stronie: Dostawa i zwrot towaru.

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Historia amerykańskiej marki WaterRower

sięga końca lat 80 XX wieku. Wówczas Amerykanin John Duke opracował łatwy w użyciu sprzęt do wiosłowania. Zakładał On, że trening na lądzie powinien w maksymalnie zbliżony sposób symulować warunki, które panują na wodzie. Wynalazł więc oryginalny i unikalny Wioślarz Wodny WaterRower.

Wioślarze wodne marki WaterRower

są co roku prezentowane między innym na największych na świecie Targach Międzynarodowych. Obecnie marka WaterRower jest bardzo popularna a jej oferta obejmuje produkty dostępne w sprzedaży zarówno w kraju, jak i za granicą.

W roku 2008 marka WaterRower

zdobyła nagrodę za doskonałość Plus X Awards, która jest najważniejszym na świecie wyróżnieniem dotyczącym innowacji w dziedzinie technologii, lifestyle'u oraz sportu.

Manufacturer details

520 Metacom Avenue
02885 Warren
United States

(800) 852 2210

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Application of water resistance in WaterRower

Unlike training rowers from other manufacturers, and more specifically rowers with mechanical, air, magnetic or hydraulic resistance, WaterRower is characterized by the use of unique water resistance.

The heart of the WaterRower rowing machine is the water reservoir and the paddles enabling free manipulation of the water in the reservoir. The ergonomic design of all WaterRower rowing machine components allows maximum utilization of the water resistance potential. The use of water resistance results in a pleasant, smooth and jerk-free workout that is closest to nature.

Water resistance is self-acting, which means that it adapts itself precisely to the speed of rowing and training strength. The WaterRower rowing machine, by using water as a resistance, simulates the experience of rowing in natural surroundings and provides relaxing sound of water noise. Learn more

The most important advantages of using WaterRower water resistance:

rowing with WaterRower is gentle on the joints,
water resistance is 100% self-determining,
training is calm and soothing, thanks to the pleasant, rhythmic noise of the water,
water shows no signs of wear - it is indestructible.
